Goodrich with staff and coaches at English class at Colegiul Sportiv.

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Women's Competitive Aerobics

Funeral Tree

At Brancusi's Infinite Column

City of Sibiu

Romania Countryside



Romania, Colegiul of Fine Arts, Poets/Teachers Elizabeth Raby, Patricia Goodrich with Teachers for Tomorrow Founder Janet Haines, Romanian teachers, and Vice Director of Colegiul (front).

Teachers for Tomorrow:

Colegiul National Sportiv “Cetate” Deva:

Patricia Goodrich, (Leo) Gheorghe Cosma (choreographer & coach), Daniela Silvas (6 gold medals, Seoul), Prof.Dir. Liga Adrian Cristian at Coleguil Nacional Sportiv "Cetate", Deva....the home of Romania's National Women's Gymnastics....and where Nadia Comaneci trained!

Coach Adela Popa with team member.

Romanian National Girls Gymnastics Champion Team!


Parting Party