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Atsuko Tajima
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Atsuko Tajima – Japan/USA

My name is Atsuko Tajima. I paint on glass. I paint on kiln-slumped glass. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, and now I live in America, Pennsylvania, United States. I’m here at the Art Camp in Aiud, Romania.

A part of my reason to be here is because I’m very interested in the concept of art comes to people, rather than vice-versa. For example, in normal cases we go to a gallery or museum to see art, but instead I’m interested for art to come to people so that the people who are not used to seeing art will have a chance to see art or experience art.

I feel that this art camp might have some kind of clue that might add some spice to my career as an artist.





2008 Patricia Goodrich
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