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Jean Claude Damas
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Jean-Claude Damas (1948- )

My name is Jean-Claude Damas. I was born in 1948 in Petion Ville. I started painting in 1974, doing work in the Damala Hotel with Levoir Exume’, painting murals. Since I left school that is what I have been doing, helping my mother, who was very poor and a single woman. Since I left school, painting is the only work I do to survive.

I actually started as a little boy in school. I used to go under my desk to do little paintings of people. So from an early age, I was interested in painting, and that is what I am doing now to live and to raise my family.

Also, I went at one point, not for long to the Foyer des Arts Plastiques. It was an institution to teach how to paint in all kinds of styles.

I participated in an exhibition at the French Institute in1983, and it was my only art show. Since then I have been trying to other ways to participate, but no luck so far. I look for other ways to exhibit. I don’t have any other profession. Painting is my life. It helped me support my family.

Translated by Jean-Hugues Cauvin





2014 Patricia Goodrich
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