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Emile Louisius
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Emile Louisius


Emile Louisius (1964- )

I am Emile Louisius. I am an artist. I live in Haiti. I began painting in 1981.

It has been thirty-three years that I have been painting. I build my house; I feed my kids; I send them to school. It is my life, and I accomplished a lot of things. Now it is better for me. I have met Patricia Goodrich and Patrick Cauvin; I am exhibiting in the United States, where my work now is exhibited and many people know me.

What I want to say is that I encourage the young people who like art not to be discouraged. Art is a part of life. If you like art, you continue what you are doing and work hard and you may be fortunate as someone like me (exhibiting internationally, seeing great art in museums like the Metropolitan in New York City). This is the best thing that I have realized in my life. I want young people to know, if you like art, do not be discouraged; your future can be a life in art.

Translated by Melchiade Domond






2016 Patricia Goodrich
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