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Ivana Radulovic
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Ivana Radulovic – Montenegro

I will start in English. For the start I will apologize because my English is bad, and I don’t know how I will speak and translate everything I am saying from Serbian, my natural language.

It’s a problem today with art, because we are occupied and too many things from art are like advertising, like McDonalds or Marlboro, any kind of product and people are....enough information and enough some kinds of art. But I am honest in my art... other people who work , how can they be honest in all this confusion in the world?

I think that time, like in every period and through history, will show us in the end, the good and honest people who really represent art.

My wish to the end of my life is to represent my art—if it’s art. I wish I make art to represent good ideas and...I don’t know....something close. Some people say God. I, I can’t say God, but something like that, some kind of art....close, close.

I don’t know what to say now. You should know my name—one day I’ll be famous, maybe...I joke--. My name is Ivana Radulovic, and I’m from one small and beautiful country, Montenegro. My art discipline is sculpture and many other things, but I do my best at sculpture.



2008 Patricia Goodrich
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