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Bob Bazil
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Bob Bazil (1987- ) Painter

I am Bob Bazil. I live in Montagne, Petion Ville. I’m an artist. I paint and love to paint. I started painting when I was fifteen years old. I am inspired through music, especially jazz.

I had a teacher who taught me a lot, Jonas Exume’. He acquainted me with abstract, surrealist, and portrait art. My work is unique, I can say; I use pallet knife and also brushes. I want to become one of the best Haitian artists to be known in the world and for everybody to be able to see my work.

I have been painting for nine years. My painting mostly is of women, because I like the form and movement of women going to work, the market, and the field and carrying merchandise and other things. Sometimes I paint men working in the field and doing other work, but most of the time, I prefer women and the way they work, very active in life.

Translated by Jean-Hugues Cauvin






2014 Patricia Goodrich
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