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Voices & Visions:  Artists of Haiti



Rivers Without Borders, Patricia Goodrich

Welcome to ATELIER! Here, you are invited to meet fifty-three musicians and writers, artists and artisans from six continents as they speak about the works they create. Through this web installation you can listen to them giving voice to their creative processes and their challenges, see their images, and connect with them personally.

Their voices also provide a background for Atelier: Open Studio, a traveling exhibition of works by more than 100 intercontinental artists and artisans. (Direct inquiries to

The continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America are all represented. Appreciation is extended to the participating artists who opened themselves, and often their homes, to me: Zouber YousiphSyria/Germany, Susie VeroffUSA/Canada, Dimitar VelichkovBulgaria, Burhan UzunyayalaGermany, Larry ThomasUnited States of AmericaGheorghe StirbuMoldova/Romania, Daniela StanoiuRomania, Giuseppe Strano SpituItaly/Spain, Clemens Beungkun SouRepublic of Korea/Austria, Lorand SiposRomania/Hungary, Gianfranco ScafidiItaly, Maria Esperanza Almoguera SanchezSpain/Argentina, Saida SaadaMorocco, Elizabeth RabyUnited States of America, Dumitru PopRomania, Galina PetkovaBulgaria, Andra PanduruRomania, Kenza OulaghdaMorocco, Rabha OujeddouMorocco, Ted OrmaiUnited States of America, Natasa NovakSlovenia, Khadija MssyehMorocco, Fatiha MourahhibMorocco, Emile LouisiusHaiti, He LihongChina, Verena KronsederGermany, Tzvetanka Koykova–Bulgaria/ Belgium, Andor KomivesRomania, Sung Heun KimRepublic of Korea/Italy, Fadia el KhatibLebanon, Valentinus Rommy IskandarIndonesia, Irena Gayatri HorvatCroatia, Kareem HelmyEgypt, Reem HassanEgypt, Sidihamza HamzaouiMorocco, Aicha HamzaouiMorocco, Dragana GrujicicSerbia, Kim GoldsmithAustralia, Claudia GerauerGermany, Mariana FelcmanArgentina, Zakori FatnaMorocco, Mahgouba ElhakkaouiMorocco, Catherine Dumont-ChretienFrance, Mohamed ChetouaniMorocco, Amina BoutotlaMorocco, Noufissa BenjellounMorocco, Ng BeeMalaysia, Tommy BarrNorthern Ireland, Ludmila BaitsaevaFederation of Russia, Saleh Al-HathloulSaudi Arabia, Souad Ait AllaMorocco, Fatima AijouLaayoune, Zainab, Ahl AndourLaayoune.

Special posthumous recognition is given to Salah Cherki (1923-2011), master qanun musician, who allowed me to record him playing this stringed instrument at his home in Morocco and whose music accompanies ATELIER.

Salah Cherki on qanun, live performance in artist’s home, Morocco 2009.



2017 Patricia Goodrich
All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction
in any manner is prohibited.




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