Patricia Goodrich
P.O. Box 473
Richlandtown, PA
2025: Inter-Art Retrospective Exhibition, 115 Artists, 65 Countries, 6 Continents! Inter-Art Galleries, Aiud, Romania, April 10, 2025.
2025: Spring Vibrations, International exhibition Galerile Inter-Art Aiud, Romania, Opening March 4, 2025.
2023: Blues, Monotype, Soulful Revolution International Printmaking exhibition, March, 2023, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
2022: ICE, video installation, World Art Forum for Development Foundation, Climate Conference COP 27, Nov. 7-18, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
2020: New Hope Sculpture 2020, New Hope Arts Center, New Hope, Pa., August 2020.
2020: Boxes, Solo sculpture exhibition, New Arts Gallery, Kutztown, Pa., Sept.-Dec. 2020.
2019: After New York, Art Ability International, Bryn Mawr Rehab, Paoli, Pa., Nov. 2, 2019-Jan. 17, 2020
2019: Paintings, KOREA UNESCO, Gunsan celebrate National Convention Memorial, The 35 ASROPA International Art Exhibition in GSCO (Gunsan Saemangeum Convention Center), Gunsan South Korea. Oct.25.~ 27 2019.
2019: Yogyakarta International Art Festival, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sept. 9-17. Invitational residency/exhibition.
2019: From Corvinlor, Paintings, Doylestown Hospital ARTWALK, Doylestown, Pa. Sept.-Nov. 2019.
2010-2019: Inter-art International Arts Residency & Symposium, Aiud, Romania. Aug, 10-26, 2019.
2019: Luxor Second International Visual Arts Symposium, Luxor, Egypt, March 3-13, Organized by Art from People to People. http://www.art-frompeople.com
2018-2019: A Slice of Orange II on exhibition at Art Ability, Bryn Mawr Rehab, Paoli, PA
2018: Homecoming, solo exhibition, Corvin Castle, Hunedoara, Romania
2018: A Matter of Perspective, Matossian Eye Associates, Doylestown, PA
2018: New Arts Program International Small Works, Kutztown, PA
2018: Patricia Goodrich & Friends, Blick Art Materials, Allentown, PA 18103
2018: River! Solo sculpture. Stover Mill Gallery, 852 River Road, Route 32, Erwinna, PA
2018: All About Art! at Moss Rehab, Elkins Park, PA
2018: Women in the Inter-Art Collection, Inter-Art Gallery, Aiud, Romania
2018: Ianza International Inter-Cultural 2013-2017, Alba Iulia Gallery, Romania
2017: Promart Haiti Arts Symposium, Port au Prince, Haiti
2017: Paintings, 22nd Art Ability International, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Paoli, PA
2017: Body Language, Poetry at Indian Valley Library, Souderton, PA
2017: Landscapes, Chitrakoot Art Gallery, Kolkata, India,
2017: One of 25 International artists attending and exhibiting at Khajuraho Dance Festival's Art Mart, Khajuraho, India
2017: Khajuraho Dance Festival Art Mart, Khajuraho, India
2016: Yinchuan First International Achievement Exhibition, Yinchuan, China
2016: Ianza Foundation Traveling, Timisoara, Romania
2016: Dialogue of Identities, Kamataka Chitrakala Art Complex, Karmataka, India
2016: Inter-Art Foundation Symposium, Aiud, Romania
2016: Dialogue of Identities curated by Renuka Kesaramadu, Karnataka Chitrakala Art Complex, Karnataka, India
2016: Ianza-Art Intercultural Traveling Exhibition, Timisoarei, Romania
2015: Etemad Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2015: Paris & Luc, France, with PromArt Haiti, Residency & Exhibition
2015: THE WALL, installation at New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA
2015: Eva Mazzuco Memorial, Museum of History, Aiud, Romania
2015: Inter-Art International 20th Anniversary symposium, Aiud, Romania
2015: Small Work International, New Arts Program
2015: ART FOR PEACE International, Union Hall of Artists, Yerevan, Armenia
2015: INTERCULTURAL LINKS United Nations, 60 Countries with 94 Artists, at Palace of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
2015: 29th ASROPA Art International, 42 Countries with 59 Artists, at YEGIP Museum, Gusan City, Korea
2014: Promart Haiti Third International, Port au Prince, Haiti, Juried Residency
2014: Voices & Visions at Meli Melo!, Promart Haiti, Moravian College
2014: 2014 Mail Art Egypt, EAN artists for International Cooperation, Alexandria, Egypt
2014: Berbers of Morocco, Photography, ArtWalk Gallery, Doylestown Hospital, Pennsylvania
2014: XIX Inter-Art International Symposium, Juried Residency, Aiud, Romania
2014: International Mail Art Exhibition, Museum of History, Aiud, Romania
2014: Paintings, METAMORPHOSES exhibition in Hovinkartano Art Centre In Hameenlinna, Finland
2014: Sculpture, All About Art International, Moss Rehab, 60 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA
Painting, Inter-Art International, Gyomaedrod, Hungary
2014: Voices and Visions at Meli Melo: Contemporary Art in Haiti, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.
2014: Monoprint, La Chatoeou de Tranjoly, Gourin, France
2014: Paintings, Point 2 International, Goethe Institute, Alexandria, Egypt
2013-2014: Photography, Art Abilitity International, Bryn Mawr Rehab, Paoli, PA
2013: 28th ASROPA International Exhibition at Korean Cultural Center, Vienna, Austria
2013: Exhibition at Brasilian Cultural Center and PromArt Haiti Symposium, Petion Ville, Haiti
2013: Painting, 27th ASPORA International Art Exhibition, Santarosa Gallery, Gunsan, South Korea
2012-2013: The Beginning of Terror: Beauty in Word and Image, Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA
2012-2013: Finart European Union, Finland
2012: Graphic Arts Chiru Memorial, Museum of Unity, Alba Iulia, Romania
2012: International Photography, Cultural Centre, Aiud, Romania
2012: Mail Art, Museum of History, Aiud, Romania
2012: Inter-Art International Symposium and Art Residency, Aiud, Romania
2012: All About Art! International Moss Rehab Hospital, Elkins Park, PA
2012: Scissortail Creative Writing Festival, Univ. of East Central Oklahoma, Ada, OK
2012: Global Connections, Kunsthalle, Hannover, Germany
2011-2012: Face to Face: Berber Morocco, Wells Fargo Financial Center, Doylestown, PA
2011-2012: Art Ability, Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital, 414 Paoli Pike, Malvern, PA
2011 - 'IX' - International Women Group Show, sponsored by Abstract Art Gallery™, Bangalore, INDIA
2011: Inter-Art Foundation of Romania Graphics Exhibition, Woodrow Wilson Center, Smithsonian, Reagan Building, Washington, D.C.
2011: Inter-Art Foundation International, New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA
2011: Eighth Annual Acquisitions, Viewpoint Gallery, Sunnyview Rehab. Hospital, Schenectady, New York
2011: Inter-Art Retrospective Exhibitions, Muzeul National al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Romania; Vichy-PoleLardy and Chatel Montagne, France.
2011: Retrospective of International Small Graphics Exhibition, Muzeul National al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Romania.
2011: International Arte Plastic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Aiud, Romania.
2011: XIII Mail Art International "Connections", History Museum, Aiud, Romania.
2010-2011: Ordinary to Extraordinary, multi-media installation, James A. Michener Museum, Pennsylvania.
2010: John III:16 sculpture, NAP Small Works, Kutztown, Pa. May 28-July 13, 2010.
2010: The Fire Within, LAA 75th Anniversary Exhibition, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA
2010: Art Beyond Borders, solo exhibition, Museum National al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Romania
2010: Paintings & sculpture at Art and Development Exhibition & Symposium, Moroccan Association for Contemporary Art, Center Hassan II, Casablanca
2009-2010: Liberty Beyond the Frontier International, Inter-Art Foundation at Museum National al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Romania
2009-2010: Installation & painting, Art Abilities International, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Malvern, PA
2009: Contact-Yekaterinburg Group Exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art, Yekaterinburg, Fed. of Russia
2009: Painting at Inter-Art Foundation of Romania International, Galerie, Wien
2009: Photographs at International Photography & Video, Cultural Centre, Aiud, Romania
2009: Time Connections, Rabat, Morocco; Windhoek, Namibia; Alba Iulia, Romania
2009: Second Spring of Visual Arts, Sale, Morocco
2009: Inter-Art International Exhibition: Freedom & Art, United Nations, NYC, USA
2009: The Body Imperfect & Power Life, New Hope Indoor Sculpture Exhibition, New Hope, PA
2009: Maps Without Borders VIII & Oregon Basin, Princeton Medical Center, Princeton, NJ.
2009: Red Goat, Moss Rehab Hospital, Elkins Park, PA
2009: Arts: Storks & Nature, Gallery Bab Fes, Sale, Morocco
2009: Globalization-Time-Space, Gallery La Decouverte, Rabat, Morocco
2009: ArtFirst! exhibition, Maps Without Borders VIII & Oregon Basin at Princeton University Medical Center, Princeton, N.J.
2009: All About Art exhibition, painting Red Goat, at MossRehab, Elkins Park, PA
2009: New Hope Indoor Sculpture exhibition, The Body Imperfect & Skin of a River, New Hope, PA
2008: Inter-Art International Exhibition, Woodrow Wilson Center, Smithsonian, Washington, D.C.
2008: Spiral earthwork, Viva Firma Symposium & Culture Festival, Makole, Slovenia
2007-2008: Senso(a)r, Spring, Sound Waves, Art Ability International, Bryn Mawr Rehab, Malvern, PA
2007: UNDER THE BRIDGE, solo exhibiton, Avas Contemporary Glass, 308 W. Broad St., Quakertown, PA
2007: Contact, Far Eastern Museum, Khabarovsk, Federation of Russia
2007: Rough Terrain, Phillips Mill, New Hope, PA
2007: Floating Nude, Riverrun Gallery, Lambertville, NJ
2007: Turning Torso & Great and Small, Siegal Gallery, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
2007: B-4-9-11 & American Pi, Art at City Hall, Philadelphia, PA
2007: Southwest Paintings & Poems, American Studies Association of Texas Conference, Marshall, TX
2007: Ice Field & ICE/I.C.E., Williams Center Gallery, Lafayette College, Hamilton & High Sts., Easton, PA
2006: Relic I, Art Ability Exhibition, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Malvern, PA
2006: Father & Son and Torsos at All About Art, Moss Rehab, 60 East Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA
2006: Patricia Goodrich & Barry Assed, Duo Exhibition at Greenshire Arts Consortium, Sterner Mill Road, Quakertown, Bucks County, PA
2006: No Strings Attached, New Hope Works in Wood 2006. New Hope Arts Center, 2 Stockton Ave., New Hope, PA
2006: ROMANIA! Pastels, poetry, teach, travel
2006: Lift, LAA Exhibition, Baker Gallery, Muhlenberg College, Chew St. Allentown, PA
2006: Sound Waves, NAP Small Works Exhibition, Kutztown, PA
2006: Carnivorous & Gate I, Buckingham Winery, Route 413, Buckingham, PA
2006: Cathedral and Arc & Sphere, Primorsky Gallery of Vladivostok City, Federation of Russia
2006: Rough Terrain, Changing Season, Almost Perfect (First Place Sculpture), Art First! International Exhibition, University Medical Center at Princeton, Princeton, New Jersey
2006: Untitled Pastel, Luther Crest, Allentown, PA
2006: Stampede, Sun II, Vertical Horizon, Jewish Community Center, Allentown, PA
2005: Greeting the Living, Lehigh Art Alliance, Siegel Gallery, Iacocca Hall, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
2005: Help! and Off the Loom I and II, Art Ability, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Malvern, PA
2005: No Strings Attached and Spring, River Run Gallery, Lambertville, New Jersey
2005: Voices Underground video included in London Disability Film Festival Video Library
2005: His & Hers and Three, Abilities Festival International, Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2005: Carnivorous, Movement in f, & Working Couple, Moss Rehab Hospital International Juried Art Exhibition, Elkins Park, PA
2005: House With a White Picket Fence & White Volcano I, Remembrance & Renewal, Annenberg Conf. Center, Lankenau Hospital, Wynnewood, PA
2005: Off the Loom, New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA
2005: Father & Son, No Strings Attached, Ani(for)mal, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA
2005: Movement in f, Maps Without Borders I, II, III, IV, Buckingham Winery Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition, Buckingham, PA
2005: Moss Rehab Fine Arts, Moss Rehab Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
2005: STONE AND STEEL, The Sculpture Exhibition at Holland Art House, 113 West Market Street, West Chester, PA
2005: BODY LANGUAGE, Stone sculpture by Patricia Goodrich and Paintings by Natasha Pantelyat at at Natasha Pantelyat Gallery, 216 Bridge Street, New Hope, PA. www.natashapantelyatgallery.com
2005: "The King & The Queen" at Myth, Magic, and Meaning Exhibition, Allentown Art Museum, 31 North Fifth Street, Allentown, Pa. 18101, www.allentownartmuseum.org
2005: Collages at ART FIRST!, an International, juried exhibition of original art at University Medical Center at Princeton, 253 Witherspoon St., Princeton, NJ
2005: Refuge(e)" & "Standing Guard at Sheltered Exhibition, Williams Center for the Arts Gallery, Lafayette College, Easton
2004-05: Maps Without Borders, International Art Ability Exhib., Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Malvern, PA
2004: Carnivorous and On the Edge, Lehigh Art Alliance Exhib., Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA
2004: Sculpture at Tri-State Artists Equity 55th Anniversary Exhibition, Berman Gallery, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
2004: Sculpture at the Woodmere Museum, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
2004: First Prize Sculpture, Art Ability International, Bryn Mawr Rehab. Hosp., PA
2004: Two Neckties and a Shoehorn, Still Life National, Banana Factory, Bethleham, PA
2004: The King and The Queen, VSA International Festival, Washington, D.C.
2004: Voices Underground Installation, VSA International, Union Station, Washington, D.C.2003: Voices Underground, Earthwork, Europos Parkas, Lithuania
2003: Her Cathedral, Arc & Sphere, Solace, Great Rivers of the World Conf., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2003: CONTACT: Hudson/Volga Exhibition. Russian Century Gallery, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
2003: CONTACT: Hudson/Volga Exhibition. Belyaevio State Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia
2003: Near Abiqui, NAP Small Works, Kutztown, PA
2003: Bus Stop, Universe. Artsbridge International Exhib., Stockton, NJ
2003: Dream of a House with a White Picket Fence, Blue, Green. Open Space Gallery, Allentown, PA
2002: Mound, Singing to the Moon, Rooftops, Guard Dog, & Chairs- First Prize Sculpture & Jurors Choice Best of Show, Art Ability Internatl. Exhib. , Bryn Mawr Rehab, Malvern, PA
2002: Skin of a River, Third Prize Sculpture, The Hill School, Perkiomen Valley , Pottstown, PA
2002: Solace and After Shock, From the Ashes Natl. Exhib., Museum of New Art, Detroit, MI
2002: Invitational Exhibition, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
2002: Sleep, Bucks County Sculpture Exhib., Warminster, PA
2002: King & Queen, Phillips Mill Exhib., New Hope, PA
2002: Solace, Hon. Men. ,, LAA, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA
2002: Mother and ...., Tri-State Sculpture Exhib., Moore College, Philadelphia, PA
2002: Solo Garden, Packwood Museum, Lewisburg, PA
2002: Memorial, Solace, & Homefront, From the Ashes National Fine Arts Exhib., Allentown, PA
2002: Ring, Artsbridge, Prallsville Mill, Stockton, New Jersey
2002: Royal, Tri-State Artist Equity, Wiedner University, PA
2002: Bird II, Hon. Men. State Farm Exposition, Harrisburg, PA
2001: Sleep, Abington Fine Arts Exhibition, Abington, PA
2001: Working Couple, First Prize Sculpture; Ring, Third Prize, Art Ability National Fine Arts Exhib., Bryn Mawr Hospital, Malvern, PA
2001: Untitled, First Prize Sculpture, Perkiomen Valley Art Exhib., Pottstown, PA
2001: The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, Art at Girard College, Philadelphia, PA
2001: Invitational Co-Artist, Richard Redd Studio, Bethlehem, PA
2001: American Pi, Bird I, Sacred Mountain Exhib., Jim Thorpe, PA
2001: A(r)mor, Lucky, Self-Portrait National Exhib., Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA
2001: The ?, Small Works, New Arts Program Gallery, Kutztown, PA
2001: Dads Lunch Pail, Legacy, Stud, & Pulling the Brass Handle, National Portrait Exhib., Open Space Gallery, Allentown, PA
2001: Salt I, Montgomery County Comm. College, Pa., Tri-State Artists Equity Exhibition
2001: Re:Cycles, First Prize, National Fine Arts Exhibition, curated by Ivan Karp - OK Harris Gallery NYC, Kauffman Gallery, Shippensburg University, Pa.
2001: Refuge(e), Mayfair 2001, Allentown, PA
2001: Inuksuig IV, Small Works, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA
2001: Fenceline, First Prize Sculpture, Louise Cramer Award. 61st Annual Woodmere Art Museum Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA
2000: Re: Cycles and Certified Blight, Area II, Urban Blight, Open Space Gallery, Allentown, PA
2000: This Land is Mined Land and Refuge(e), Freyberger Gallery, Penn State Univ. , Reading, PA
2000: Homeguard, Tri-State Artists Equity , Rowen Univ., Glassboro, New Jersey
2000: Homeguard Series: A{r{mor, Uprising, Flour Power, Multiples, Main Line Art Center, Haverford, PA
2000: Lucky, The Philadelphia Building, Philadelphia, PA
2000: Small Arms, Philadelphia Sculptors at Washington Square, Washington, D.C.
2000: Hand That Rocks the Cradle & Torsos, Sacred Mountain, Jim Thorpe, PA
2000: Foundation I, Bucks County Sculpture , Doylestown, PA
2000: Fenceline, Lehigh Art Alliance, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA
2000: Dads Lunch Pail, New Arts Program Small Works, Kutztown, PA
2000: Torsos, Lehigh Arts Alliance, Allentown Art Museum, PA
2000: Against Gravity, solo exhibition, Maria Feliz Sculpture Garden, Jim Thorpe, PA
2000: Family, Woodmere Art Museum, Chestnut Hill, PA
2000: Three from Pennsylvania, Maria Feliz Gallery, Jim Thorpe , PA
2000: Foundation, Philadelphia Sculptors Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, PA
2000: Lucky, Legacy and Refuge(e), Poets as Artists , Manyunk Art Center, Phil., PA
1999: Foundation, sculpture, Phillips Mill, New Hope, PA
1999: It Depends on How You Look at It and Over Time , Purchase Award--Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, US Artists, 1999 Extraordinary Art Beyond the Museum, Philadelphia, PA
1999: Anthem, Healing Sacks: A Gathering of Women, Penn State Univ., Univ. Park, PA
1999: Midnight Sail, Broken Prow, Primary, and Inuksuig , Curators Choice Award & First Prize in Sculpture, Art Ability Exhib, Bryn Mawr, PA
1999: Mover and Shaker, Lehigh Art Alliance, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA
1999: Lucky and Stud, Sacred Mountain Exhibition, Jim Thorpe, PA
1999: The Forest Bows and Phantom Limbs, site-specific work, Atlantic Center for the Arts,
New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
1999: Produce Poetry, Site Installation, Publix Supermarket, New Smyrna, Florida.
1999: Working Couple II, Sculpture, Christmas Park, New Smyrna, Florida.
1999: Nest, Foundations III, Anthem, Group exhib., Atlantic Center for the Arts, Florida.
1999: Anthem, sculpture, A Gathering of Women, Penn State University, University Park, PA
1999: Out of Work, Curators Choice Award, curator William Zimmer, National Fine Arts Exhibition, Mayfair, Open Space Gallery, Allentown, PA
1999: Working Couple, Mayfair, Open Space Gallery, Allentown, PA
1999: Yes!, Bucks County Sculpture Show, Doylestown, PA
1999: Legacy, sculpture, 50th Anniv. Philadelphia/ Tri-State Artists Equity Exhib., curator Elizabeth Osborne, Philip and Muriel Museum of Art, Ursinus College, PA
1999: Links and Over Time, sculpture, Arts & Industry, curator Ricardo Viera, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA
1999: Yes!, sculpture, Confronting Cancer Through Art, Arthur Ross Gallery, Univ. of Pa., Judith E. Stein curator , Philadelphia, PA
1999: Family, Friends & Lovers, Philadelphia Sculptors, Federal Reserve Bank, Phil., PA
1999: Working Couple, Hon.Men., & Yes!, Madeleine Segall-Marx curator, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
1999: Primary, mixed media, NationalFine Arts Exhib., Fereshteh Daftari MOMA curator, Harrisburg, PA
1998: Working Couple, sculpture, Sculptors Terrain, Philadelphia Sculptor at Washington Square, Washington, D.C.
1998: Inuksuig, sculpture. Small Arts Show, New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA
1998: Nest, sculpture. Lehigh Artists Alliance Exhib., Allentown Art Museum, PA
1998: Black I , sculpture, and Sky, mixed media, Jim Thorpe Arts Festival, PA
1997: Solo exhibition, sculpture and paintings, Bucks County Library, Levittown, PA
1997: Water, Water, Everywhere, 3-dim. mixed media, Jim Thorpe Arts Festival, PA
1997: Bridge, on-site sculpture, photographed Marion Millenium, Michigan.
1996: Sculpture & painting, Open Space Gallery; Paintings, Baum School of Art, Allentown, PA
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital; Atlantic Center for the Arts; Vermont Studio Center; Private collections