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Open Curtain Lejla Cehajic
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Lejla Cehajic – Bosnia and Herzegovina

My name is Lejla Cehajic, and I’m a visual artist. Mostly I do sculpture, but I use various materials, so I can say it’s more like visual arts, 3-D. I’m born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. That is where I live and work.

My art-- I mostly do figures and women. I’m trying to express myself in art. I’m looking for freedom, which I cannot find anywhere else but in art, in that process.

What can I say about those figures? They are mostly expressions of individuals. They are mostly isolated and lonely. They’re somehow talking about isolation. I think that that is the best place to find freedom. It’s tough, but freedom is sometimes painful. But it’s also beautiful.




2008 Patricia Goodrich
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