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Hakim Ghazali
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Hakim Ghazali – Morocco/United Arab Emirates

My name, Hakim Ghazali. I live in Dubai, but I was born in Morocco, Casablanca. I have two nationalities, France and Morocco. Maybe I have in two months another nationality, Bahrain I am very happy with change....change language, change art, change culture with you (artist Patricia Goodrich).

I am very happy you ask me questions different, especially (about) arts from my country. It is very interesting for me. I would like in the future to participate with you on big projects—different nationalities, different countries. This is my hope, this, my consideration; this, my feeling.

I am very sorry my English is very very very poor, but I am sure an artist not need intermediate translation. Art is a very very language universal.




2008 Patricia Goodrich
All rights reserved.
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