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Iulio Horvath
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Iulio Horvath - Romania

My name is Iulio Horvath. I am from Romania. I was born in Aiud City, and my passion is artistic photography and also web design.

My passion was born up with me, because when I was a little kid in (the time of) Communism, there was a place in every city with something like a club. And all kids, if they had a passion for music or something like electronics or photography or driving something, go to this place and this professor or teacher would show you something about this passion.

My passion was photography, and after twenty-five years and more, my passion is still photography. I’m studying and learning to make better works, and also I’m learning after ten years more, because everybody (Inter-Art artists) day after day are just learning to make their art better.

Also my passion is for web design. My own page I’ve created, and all the photographs are by me. I like very much what I am doing. My other passion is graphic art, but I don’t have time to do this in a larger vision. I am staying with photography and web page creation. This is my passion, and I’m very happy to make this and to do all this.


2008 Patricia Goodrich
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