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Open Curtain
Christiana Iliopoulou
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Christiana Iliopoulou - Greece

Hello. My name is Christiana Iliopoulou, and I’m from Greece. I think of myself as an engraver, and I live in Greece in Thessaloniki.

What I want to say about myself and my work is that everything is about passion and love and the truth. I think the truth is the most important thing. You have to say what you feel. You have to say what you think without lies, because the lies today are in our lives everywhere and they’re getting into our hearts and hurt us. And if you have the heart in the right place, I think everything is going to be all right.

You have to have the courage to say loudly through your art whatever you like and what you believe and don’t be afraid. Believe that everything is going to be all right for you and for the ones you love and for everybody.



2008 Patricia Goodrich
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