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Edouard Martial
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Edouard Martial (1978- )

My name is Edouard Martial. I’m an artist from Fermathe, Haiti. I have been painting since 1995. Since I was a child, I loved painting, looking everywhere I could at art, so I always dreamed of becoming a great painter. From that, I began to learn painting from people like Tiga (Jean-Claude Garoute, founder of San Soleil movement) where I attended his school in Port au Prince.

I have a different kind of style. I work with Saint Soleil imagery. I’m into voodoo art. One, Marassas, is like a spirit which represents Mary, the Mother of God. That really means a lot to me since I am a believer.

Also I have an image called Grand Bois, a man on a cross. When I paint that, I think about Haiti because I want deliverance and freedom for Haiti. I want to see changes and for Haiti to become more free and equal.

I don’t work only on canvas; I paint on everything I find—wood, trays, whatever I have, I paint on it.

I participate in many exhibitions in Haiti. From 1998 until present I exhibited in Petion Ville, Port au Prince, St. Jacques, Fermathe, Antiga. Also I have exhibited internationally in France and the United States.

When I paint, I feel like I’m alive. It is my passion. I love it. It comes from my heart.

Translated by Jean-Hugues Cauvin





2014 Patricia Goodrich
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