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Open Curtain
Patricia Goodrich
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Patricia Goodrich – United States of America

I’m Patricia Goodrich, a visual artist and poet from the United States of America. My work is really my pleasure. I sometimes do installation, sometimes earthwork, sometimes objects that I sculpt or assemblages that I make. But linking it all is a passion for the process, the discovery, the energy that creating gives me, and also (what) the different places and new people and working in proximity to other artists give me.

I don’t aim for perfection. On the other hand, I think that I celebrate imperfection. I scavenge from the streets; I collect stones; I think; I take walks; and eventually something comes out of it, and sometimes it surprises me, and that’s when I feel most pleased.

Beyond myself, however, sometimes I can see that a piece I’ve created touches someone else, whether it’s humorously or someplace even deeper—that is an added element and one I’m grateful for.




2008 Patricia Goodrich
All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction
in any manner is prohibited.