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Eriveaux Prospere
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“Ery” Eriveaux Prospere (1966- )

My name is Eriveaux Prospere. I am from Cap Hatien, but I was born in Kenscoff where my parents were from. I started to paint in 1998, but I really came out and exhibited my work in 2000.

Originally I was a planter; I worked in the sugar cane fields. Then I apprenticed as a cabinet maker. While working as a cabinet maker, I often visited Tiga (founder of the Saint Soleil art movement) to see art. I liked the colors. I decided to become an artist because I liked the way the painters worked.

I started on paper. From there Tiga taught me how to paint on canvas. But originally he told me not to spend money on paints—to use natural things that would give me color like there is a wood called campeche that gives you a red color. So first I used organic materials until Tiga said, “Now you are good enough to work in oil.”

In the beginning my style was abstract, but people didn’t really understand it. I added eyes to it and other realistic images, but then since I am a believer in voodoo, I began to develop my Saint Soleil style. That is when people began liking my work, and I began selling.

I like to paint; it comes through me and it has helped me in my life. Through painting I could have a visa to travel to Florida and the Dominican Republic. I have exhibited at the Zora Festival in Florida and at the American Embassy in Haiti, as well as France and Germany.

Translated by Jean-Hugues Cauvin






2014 Patricia Goodrich
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