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Open Curtain
Vasile Rata
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Vasile Rata – Moldova/Romania

I came from the Republic of Moldova, and by some mistake I arrived in Bucharest, Romania, and started learning art, but I finished actually in Moscow in the Department of Artistic Cinema. Then I earned a Masters Degree in Italy after I went there for an exchange experience. Now I am active in many areas of artistic experiments. I am a painter, performance artist, and video.

I am now in an art camp (Inter-art International) and very happy to be here, because this art camp offers me the possibility to exchange information in artistic areas with artists, not just artistically speaking, but also in human contact. A few years ago this was not possible, this human contact. With exhibitions and people organizing exhibitions, you could see the artists’ work, but it was not a direct contact that happened between people. Being in this camp is a human experience actually, getting to know people, trying to communicate, in an artistic way, but also like souls, like spirits. I think this is very, very important for an artist, because there are some countries, for example, like people from the Orient that I didn’t know anything about, their art and culture. It was so good for me to find out so many new things in this art camp.

I think everything in this camp is about communication, changing ideas, finding new things about human nature and culture, and how different we are and, at the same time, how much we have in common.

*Translated bu Ioana Gruita-Savu



2008 Patricia Goodrich
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