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Bogdan Tzigan
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Bogdan Tzigan – Romania

My name is Bogdan Tzigan. I’m a Romanian painter. I currently live and work in Arad, Romania. I’m most interested in anything that attracts my attention. I like experimenting a lot. Usually I work paintings in series, developing the motif. I work in painting, graphics, sculpture, and video performance. I do this because I couldn’t have it any other way.

An artist’s hunger in Kafka’s Carnival describes it best—the situation in which a person starves to death because he couldn’t find anything good to eat, anything he really liked. It is an absurd situation, of course, an extreme situation he describes, but I really find myself in that character.

Another aspect would be “Worship Discipline”. That means work daily just like practicing violin. I don’t believe in the concept of “art for art’s sake”. I think it’s an absurd concept. If you neglect the commercial part of art, you commit a big mistake. It’s a big mistake if you neglect the quality part of art also. You have to have them both, or you have disaster. Now, especially now, after everything has been said and said and said, you just have to work a lot, which is very hard, otherwise you go into mediocrity.

I consider that there must be feedback. You can’t work without taking into consideration the audience to which you refer. There is a lot of need right now when communication and multi-media goes berserk. There is a lot of need for human contact and human direction, and art approaching towards people and attracting them to the world of art, especially people who lack education in the field. It’s a relationship in which you give and take in the same measure.

We each learn from each other, and no one is teacher for no one, like Constantin Noica would say-- a great Romanian philosopher. He also said that an artist should enter a culture like a vandal. It’s an approximate quote, but everyone understands what they want out of this, and it’s an attitude which I make my own.



2008 Patricia Goodrich
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